City of Clovis
New Mexico CARES Small Business Continuity Grant
We are no longer accepting applications.
If you have questions or require assistance filling out the application, please call the Clovis/Curry County Chamber at 575-763-3435.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant Company is headquartered in New Mexico; AND
- Applicant has either been forced to close or severely curtail business operations as a result of closure orders from the state of New Mexico due to COVID-19; AND
- Applicant has annual net taxable revenue of $5 million or less prior to the impact of COVID-19; AND
- Applicant has 100 or less full-time equivalent employees (32 hours per week is full-time); AND
- Applicant Company is within the incorporated area of the City of Clovis, New Mexico; AND
- Applicant Company was in operation before September 30, 2020; AND
- Applicant Company has a current City of Clovis business registration.
What reimbursable expenses are eligible?
Business Continuity:
• Non-owner employee payroll
• Rent
• Scheduled mortgage payments
• Insurance
• Utilities
• Marketing
Business Redesign:
• Reconfiguring physical space
• Installing plexiglass barriers
• Purchasing web-conferencing or other technology to facilitate work-at-home
• PPE for employees
• Temporary structures to mitigate the spread of Covid-19
*Please note - Any expenses for which you already received PPP, EIDL or other CARES funding ARE NOT eligible to include in this grant application.
About the Clovis CARES Small Business Continuity Grant:
The Clovis Curry County Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the City of Clovis is collecting the requested information in order to award the New Mexico CARES Small Business Continuity Grant provided by the State of New Mexico to the qualified entities listed in this application that are impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The information will be used in determining whether the applicant is eligible for a business grant. If you do not submit all the information based on your request, your application cannot be fully processed. The Applicant understands that the City of Clovis is relying upon the self-certifications contained in this application to verify that the Applicant is an eligible entity, and that the Applicant is providing this self-certification under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746 for verification purposes.
Questions? Contact the Chamber at CARESadmin@clovisnm.org or 575-763-3435.